Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Off-season Depression? What's that?!

Every year, starting in late October or early November, a few things happen: it starts to get cold, work starts to get crazy, my blood pressure starts to come back down to normal levels and baseball is over for the season. About 10 years ago, I termed this my "off-season depression". I would count down the days until Pitchers & Catchers reported, pining on any news outlet I could to find some information that related to baseball. This year...not so much.

I spoke in a previous post about the profound difference that I noticed in spending a season with my new Twitter friends. Some had told me that the off-season won't be as boring, but I pooh-pooh'ed that, knowing how insanely bored I get during the winter.

Yeah, I love being wrong.

I had a great offseason. From Thanksgiving Eve dinner (in which someone thinks my mom tried to poison her), to Rangers/Islanders games, there was always something to do and someone to see. More Atlantic City debauchery with the girls and waterpark/aquarium trip with a great friend and our sons. Tweeting my drink order to my favorite bartender and subsequently getting in trouble for it. An early Christmas romantic getaway to a familiar place but a surprisingly new and fantastic B&B. Christmas in DisneyWorld with my son and my parents. Even a "business" trip to NYC which included drinks with my brother and friends, fun french fondue, and a fantastic once-in-a-lifetime foodie-indulgent early Valentine's Day dinner.

It wasn't all fun and games though. A bad car wreck for me which led to "new" car shopping. A crazy snowy winter with over 48 inches of snow in two weeks, including snow causing my brother to not be able to join the rest of us in Florida at Christmas. The loss of a Twitter friend who was so young. Family illnesses and my brother's recent surgery.

But it's not over yet.

Still to come is the best yet. People sending me pictures from FL of my favorite current and former Yankees players that make me swoon. My first invitation to the "boys only" Spring Training trip that my dad and brother take every year, and convincing my girlfriend to come with me. A massive gathering to celebrate the birthday of the Yankees Fan who was taken from everyone who loved him way too early. An invitation to join friends at the Celebrity Chef Tour Dinner supporting the James Beard Foundation being hosted this year at Yankees Stadium with one of my favorite Top Chef personalities.

Not to mention plans for the season, including a Chicago baseball trip to celebrate birthdays and an anniversary, going to see NKOTB at Fenway, a probably unforgettable trip to India, and a promise to my son to go visit "Waterpark Jack" again. That's not counting the Yankees games I'll be going to...

So for the first time in a long time, I can say with all honesty... "What Off-season Depression?!"

For everyone that contributed to this: I love you all and can't thank you enough for being in my life. I don't say that enough.