No, I'm not going to rehash the last 24 hours. It's not worth it. Instead, I'm going to write about the outpouring of love and support I have received from family and friends.
Believe it or not, I always had trouble making close friends. I have two girlfriends that I grew up with that to this day I still consider my best friends. My church friends that I grew up with are also extremely important to me, even though I don't get to see them very often. I have my college friends, and my extended college friends known as my Worcester friends. I don't have many friends at work, save for a few, including one who I call my best friend I never see. And now I have the group that I call my "Twitter" friends, even though the majority of them I now actually KNOW in real life.
And then there is my family, which includes my immediate family, my extended family and my "not really" family, which includes people who have known me since I was born. Most of us are Greek. This means we are in each others business all the time. And that's the way it is and we all love it.
I have NEVER, EVER experienced a level of friendship and love than I have in the last few months. First, after a post I wrote in honor of Autism Awareness month, regarding my journey with my son. The second, was after a second blog post about a rough weekend I had. The last, and most touching, was after a personal attack.
Between Twitter, text messages and Facebook, I have seen the love that people have for Lex and I. From comments about how I'm a great mom to how people know that Lex is a wonderful little boy. I've been through a lot the past few years. I had some highs and lows. And boy, did I have my lows. But things are finally coming around. And I don't care what anyone else says, I could not have done it without support. Support from all of you.
I hope you know that I appreciate everything that you have done for me. It may have been something as simple as introduce me to geeky TV shows that you know I'd love, or telling me I'll never spend a birthday alone again. It could have been telling me that you won't feel bad for me because you know that there is nothing wrong with my son. It was you inviting me to a concert or a baseball game. Including me in your plans with other people. Taking a chance on a new friend. Having your son tell me that he thinks of Lex as a little brother. Asking about your godson. Telling me that you are proud of how good a mother I am. Sending me info about the newest Autism research, products and ideas for helping Lex. Donating to Autism causes in Lex's name or just supporting Autism research in general. Telling me that you are so glad we became friends. Letting me know every day how much you love me. And Lex.
This is only a short list. There is so much more. But I'll run out of room if I put it all down.
With all the negative in the last week, I decided that it was a waste of my time to dwell on it anymore. Negativity breeds negativity. I'm done with that. I'm focusing on the positive. And that positive is all of you. Thank you.