A word to the wise. When speaking to a woman on the phone, and you can't figure out how old she is, do not, I repeat, DO NOT refer to her as "Ma'am". If the woman is under the age of 40, I can almost guarantee that this will offend her. Oh yes, we understand you are trying to be polite. But it doesn't matter, it makes us feel as old as our mother's are. Which is some cases is wicked old.
On that note, politeness is a lost art in an industry that is male dominated. The "seasoned" men (can't say "old" anymore) tend to prefer the "boy's club" way of doing business, and will inevitably ask me to place the lunch order or schedule a meeting for them. I love telling them "Sorry, but my Engineering Degree and three Master's Degrees say I don't have to do that..."
It is refreshing though to be treated with respect when entering a meeting room by someone standing up and shaking my hand. If I haven't met you before, don't wait for me to come to you. Stand up, meet me halfway. It's what civilized people do.
And a word to the wise, don't ask the only female in the meeting room if she'll go get coffee for the group. She'll just take offense and plot against you for the rest of her career. Well, at least this female would...